___ MALARIA ___
Protocol M
Objective: Treatment of malaria using CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution).
Total Daily Dose: 40 ml CDS (0.3% = 3000 ppm)
This advanced protocol is highly effective in treating malaria and is less likely to cause vomiting or diarrhea compared to the classical protocol. If the patient remains ill after following this procedure, it is possible that it is not malaria, but another disease.
Instructions for Adults:
First dose: 8 ml of CDS.
Second dose: 5 ml of CDS (2 hours after the first dose).
Third dose: 5 ml of CDS (4 hours after the first dose).
Fourth dose: 6 ml of CDS (6 hours after the first dose).
Fifth dose: 8 ml of CDS (8 hours after the first dose).
Sixth Administration: 8 ml of CDS (before bedtime).
Instructions for Weakened Patients:
If the adult patient is very weak, increase the amount of the last dose to 10 ml.
Instructions for kids:
Administer 10 ml of CDS dissolved in 500 ml of water, distributed in eight intakes during the day.
Instructions for Babies:
Administer 2 ml of CDS dissolved in 100 ml of water, distributed in eight intakes during the day.
Duration of Treatment:
Administer the protocol for three to four days, or until there is complete remission of malaria symptoms.
Severe malaria symptoms should disappear using this protocol within a day or two. If at the end of the day the fever has not subsided, increase the last dose to 10 ml and continue with Protocol C20 for the next few days until complete remission.
Be sure to maintain adequate hydration during treatment. In critical cases use protocol Y.
This protocol is specific for the treatment of malaria and is not suitable for other mosquito-borne diseases, such as dengue, which require different treatment protocols (Protocol F).