
Chlorine dioxide, one of the great health controversies, perhaps the greatest the world has had or known to date.

After 14 years of research and several books on the subject I have been able to collect thousands of experiences and observations that chlorine dioxide definitely has an excellent therapeutic effect without any discussion, since the experience itself is not questionable.

For those who launch “Ad Hominem” attacks against me.

I am irrelevant, because I am only the messenger of a knowledge that they do not want to accept or listen due to their own reasons.

If the warnings about alleged toxicity FDA, and WHO were true the hospitals of Bolivia should be full of intoxicated people, which they are not, in fact there are no deaths or injuries in more than 20,000 cases treated by the more than 3000 doctors of COMUSAV.

The increase of oxygen is measured after intravenous infusion of 500 ml with a concentration of 50 ppm of ClO2, observing an increase of up to 50% in venous blood gases. It means that those professionals who claim that theoretically this is not possible, should revise their theories since science is based firstly on observable and measurable facts and only secondly on references.

For those who say that chlorine dioxide cannot be used in the form of CDS because it is a disinfectant: the alcohol that many of us drink is also a disinfectant and the name of a substance is not relevant.

In Bolivia, after studying the effects of CDS in thousands of cases directly in hospitals and clinics, it has been possible to observe its efficacy against covid-19 at 100% without negative effects, and it has become not only a departmental law but also an approved state law.

Maybe a few can be fooled, but not the more than 3000 doctors of COMUSAV ( who have reported more than 14,000 recovered cases of Covid-19 with PCR before and after. PCR fails at 50%…well that leaves 7000 cases recovered in record time with no ill effects.

Coronavirus or covid-19 does not exist? In any case there are clearly defined symptoms and hundreds of thousands of deaths among them health personnel and apparently healthy doctors with more than 1500 doctors died in Mexico alone. CDS has worked perfectly both to prevent infection and to recover health in any of the three symptomatic phases.

The greatest fear of people with power is precisely to lose this control that gives them security in their actions and beliefs.

A person with a good conscience has realized that there are no good and no bad people, only beliefs that everyone defends because they believe they are right, sometimes to the death of others or even their own;

It is therefore very difficult to learn or do research without the framework of an opportunistic (and corrupt) system permeated by rules set and controlled by the economic powers which in turn control the global supply of medicines through money and patent mechanisms;

All of this makes it difficult for doctors to explore alternatives and break new ground independently. In reality, the system is not corrupt… the corruption is the system. It must be understood that corruption is the parasitic form of healthy opportunism, which in turn is a basis for the survival of nature… as every living thing is;

Money is the most important mechanism, and whoever controls money controls everything. Only those who achieve economic independence can free themselves.

The question is whether it is opportune for some to have consciousness (with consciousness = with knowledge) and live by it or not. People with higher levels of consciousness realize that you never own things, things own you, through the mechanism of fear…. of losing them.

Most dangerous to the established system are people without fear, because they cannot be controlled, and in turn they are the only ones able to bring about change in a system that is trapped in its own rigidity.

The truth needs no explanation, but lies do.

At the moment there are people in intensive care who have no hope. I ask: will the doctors who work in these therapies and who have probably heard of CDS stand idly by?

In the face of the inevitable, such as death, what is lost by trying non-toxic doses? Unfortunately, change usually only occurs when the pain is greater than the fear of change.

The Helsinki Declaration allows any doctor to use a non-scientifically proven treatment when all proven means have been used and no results have been achieved. Human rights are above state administration;

If the patient asks for it, the doctor must use it, because if this treatment proves useful in the end, it would be grossly negligent not to use it.

It’s not a title, it’s your conscience that ultimately defines you as a human being, because evil wins when good people do nothing out of fear.

That’s why they manipulate behind the TV, constantly sowing fear and brutality to keep the slaves quiet and obedient. Everyone is free to ignore the TV and turn it off.

I focus on solutions rather than complaints, I have chosen to ignore negative comments, and I have freed myself from fear through understanding.

Chlorine dioxide, one of the great health controversies, perhaps the greatest the world has had or known to date.

After 14 years of research and several books on the subject I have been able to collect thousands of experiences and observations that chlorine dioxide definitely has an excellent therapeutic effect  without any discussion, since the experience itself is not questionable.

For those who launch “Ad Hominem” attacks against me;


I am irrelevant, because I am only the messenger of a knowledge that they do not want to accept or listen to due to their own reasons;

If the warnings about alleged toxicity FDA, and WHO were true the hospitals of Bolivia  should be full of intoxicated which they are not, in fact there are no dead  or damaged in more than 20.000 cases treated by the more than 3000 doctors of the COMUSAV.


The increase of oxygen after intravenous infusion of 500 ml with a concentration of 50 ppm of ClO2 is measured and an increase of up to 50% in venous blood gases is observed. It means that those professionals who claim that theoretically this is not possible, should revise their theories since science is based firstly on observable and measurable facts and only secondly on references;


For those who think that chlorine dioxide cannot be used in the form of CDS  because it is a disinfectant: the alcohol that many of us drink is also a disinfectant and the denomination of a substance is not relevant.


In Bolivia, after studying the effects of CDS in thousands of cases directly in hospitals and clinics, it has been possible to observe its efficacy against covid-19 at 100% without negative effects, and  it has become not only a departmental law but also an approved state law.


Maybe they can fool a few, but not the 3000+ physicians of the COMUSAV ( who have reported over 14,000 recovered cases of Covid-19 with PCR before and after. PCR fails at 50%…for there remain 7000 cases recovered in record time with no negative effects.

Coronavirus or covid-19 does not exist? In any case, there are clearly defined symptoms and hundreds of thousands of deaths among them health personnel and apparently healthy doctors with more than 1500 doctors dead in Mexico alone. CDS has worked perfectly both to prevent infection and to recover health in any of the three symptomatic phases.


The greatest fear of people with power is precisely to lose this control that gives them security in their actions and beliefs.

I supposedly did not finish high school….si I finished high school. Precisely at the Alexander von Humbolt school in Wuppertal.
As for what my brother tells… We can choose our friends, but unfortunately nobody can choose his family… nor his enemies.

There is no criminal conviction either in Spain or in Germany in my name and before making such a statement my criminal record should be checked and it is simply non-existent.

There is not a single bill of sale of any hydromotor, the truth is that I developed a system to improve combustion with water as can be seen in the following video and quite old where I sell absolutely nothing, simply present a solution to improve our world using less gasoline and reducing pollution but it seems that no interest….

I have not bought any title, (apparently the cost of tuition was confused with the purchase of the title) the small distance university OUAS (University of alternative and non-academic classical integral medicine) that after knowing the therapeutic effects granted me the title of natural biophysics after delivering my thesis that became my first book “Health is Possible” and they offered me to be Professor in this discipline that academically is not recognized (like many others viz: Osteopathy, Acupuncture, Homeopathy, etc….


This institution, after refusing to defend me in the face of the growing media defamation, I chose to return their title.


I am not a Bishop or Pope of anything :)) nor a member of the Genesis 2 church, I am dedicated to the research of the electro molecular effects of the human body giving thanks to the discovery of Jim Humble who discovered the beneficial effect of ClO2.

I do not believe I am an Extraterrestrial, but I trust the Drake equation that defines that we are not alone in this Universe, and if only one of the many thousands of sightings is true it would be enough to prove it. Evidently it is of no interest to make this truth public.

The statement that Dioxide is 30 times more toxic than hypochlorite (bleach) is false, the LD50 of hypochlorite is 1mg/kg and that of dioxide is 294 mg/kg which demonstrates the academic ignorance of the author which is evident, since chlorine dioxide is almost 300 times less toxic than hypochlorite also known as bleach (chlorox) which is the other substance referred to.


Regarding the death of a child in Argentina that was supposedly caused by 5 mg of chlorine dioxide; the autopsy of the child revealed that he suffered from hypochloremia in his blood (meaning that he lacked chlorine). This raises an obvious question: How can you die from chlorine without having it in your blood?

And the most absurd of all….


Because I am of German origin I am a Nazi ? let them ask my Wife 😁.

I repeat, obviously accusing is free…..

Andreas Kalcker’s criminal record proves that there is no basis for false accusations.

“ In dubio pro reo?”

In Latin this means that in case of doubt, one should act in favor of the accused…. something that nowadays in some usually anonymous social networks and in the tabloid press is hardly respected.

Obviously accusing is free...