Each person must take responsibility for his or her own life.
Treatment with CDS is personal and is carried out by the person concerned, under his or her responsibility and with his or her consent.
All protocols are clear, easy to use, create and understand.
All the information you find here is to help yourself and others.
With the information available today, it is possible to save human life, animals, plants and Mother Earth.
Please read, test and share
Andreas Kalcker is no longer alone, alongside him there are teams, volunteers, activists, people for whom humanity is important. All with a single, crucial purpose: Saving lives! We thank them, for without them this would not have been possible.
Thanks to all of you, we are working closely together at the international level in a very successful way;
Below is a list of useful links:
Forum: visit our forbidden health forum
Forum Health Forbidden (MULTILINGUAL) where people from all over the world help each other, support each other and share their knowledge with us. Basic information will be visible after registration. Extended information involves registration and the annual payment of a small fee (money that will be used for clinical trials).
Andreas Kalcker Official Website
There is a lot of free information on Andreas Kalcker’s ► website.

Telegram, Videos Odysee, Books
Por favor, suscríbase a nuestra hoja de noticias ►
Hay mucha información gratuita en ► Telegram
En el libros ►”Salud prohibida” Y “”.
Videos, más ► videos y más ►videos.
Alk Foundation:
All donations will go towards saving lives.
The Foundation is dedicated to research in biophysics, electromolecular medicine and oxidative technologies and treatments worldwide. We are especially dedicated to researching oxidative therapies and the use of frequencies as a new electromolecular approach in medicine. Our goal today is the same as in the past: “to provide innovative tools to healthcare professionals”.
Online seminars:
All donations will go towards saving lives.
The Foundation is dedicated to research in biophysics, electromolecular medicine and oxidative technologies and treatments worldwide. We are especially dedicated to researching oxidative therapies and the use of frequencies as a new electromolecular approach in medicine. Our goal today is the same as in the past: “to provide innovative tools to healthcare professionals”.
Fear is a good salesman, but a bad advisor.
Andreas Kalcker
We wish them all the best in their quest for knowledge and success in science and health.
Sincerely, Andreas Kalcker INFOTeam