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CHLORINE DIOXIDE : The universal antidote?

by Sylvie Gojard

For several months now, the word “CDS” has been a buzzword in the Nexus newsroom. CDS stands for chlorine dioxide solution, a supposedly miraculous miracle remedy that thousands of people use to treat everything and everyone humans, animals and plants…
We wanted to find out.

What is striking when you start to take an interest….
chlorine dioxide is chlorine dioxide is the contrast between the abundance of stories and information being exchanged on social networks and the difficulty of accessing data on CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) or Chlorine Dioxide Solution) and MMS (Miracle Mineral Supple- and MMS (Miracle Mineral Supple- ment), two “therapeutic” forms of chlorine dioxide. Could this be a case of outright censorship? In any case, if you start your own exploration, be aware that the Duck Duck Go search engine will be much more cooperative. A viral phenomenon But it all starts around us;

There are fewer and fewer people-people who have never heard of CDS. For years now, its popularity has skyrocketed, first by word of mouth, then through groups and channels and channels created on applications such as Telegram. Cassou and Fifo, the two co-managers of “CDS for all” on this network, can the chlorine dioxide craze. chlorine dioxide: over time to meet the growing demand, they have had to open other channels, such as channels like “DMSO for all.”

The health information provided in this article is for guidance only.
It is not intended as medical advice and should not be considered as a recommendation to discontinue treatment.

H2O2 Francophonie” (hydrogen peroxide) (hydrogen peroxide), “Testimonies”, “Testimonies”, “CDS animaux” followed by about 30,000 members in all French-speaking countries.
CDS animaux” followed by about 30,000 members from all French-speaking countries. Among them are many
caregivers, elderly, parents parents, but also a growing number who have received experimental injections against cholera, who want to “clean up their act”. Cassou discovered CDS in 2021 through a video in which Swiss scientist Astrid Stuckelber-ger interviewed and translated Andreas Kalcker, the inventor Kalcker, the inventor of CDS, into French.

From there he began to study the subject in depth, reading and re-reading Andreas Kalcker’s book*, participating in an existing channel before creating “CDS for all”. Fifo discovered Andreas Kalcker’s work and immediately discovered Andreas Kalcker’s work and immediately discovered CDS, before filming his first workshop, which has been viewed thousands of times on Rumble and YouTube. Their passion for “good health with forgotten products” brought them together.


Since then, Cassou and Fifo work with energy and discretion the same battle: to make known to the widest possible public about CDS and its multiple applications to all types of pathologies, from the most innocuous to the most serious. But not just any CDS. At first,” explains Cassou, “I bought ready-made CDS. I regretted it after three days: they were not real CDSs. Commercial CDSs have side effects. In fact, the CDS sold on the Internet are not manufactured according to the rules of the art explained by their inventor. by their inventor. In order to keep longer – up to two years two years for those sold commercially versus six months for the “mai- are produced using reagents diluted with water. diluted with water. Many members have conducted evaporation tests which revealed that all brands producing CDS add a water-diluted preservative.

Healing testimonials

Testimonials abounded at Andreas Kalcker’s conference at Andreas Kalcker’s conference in Toulouse on September 7 (see interview on next page). About 300 people came to meet him. Among many of them were desperate desperate to talk about their recovery their recovery from cancer or other incurable diseases, often after terrifying treatment. Some testified from the other side of the world, like this Mexican, cured of prostate cancer prostate cancer by CDS, who claims
that “oncology has cancer cancer cancer.”

On several occasions, the name Laurent Schwartz. This well-known French oncologist has the courage to advocate for the CDS against cancer… (read interview page 39). Long after the conference was over, the queue was still impressive. There were also people curious to know more or to know more or to understand what had happened to them with CDS. Like A., a former drug addict who, to his great surprise, had just had the experience of “retracing the path”, this reverse process that consists in physical or psychological level, through the initial state of addiction. the initial state of the disease to achieve healing.

Frédérique had come out of curiosity, as she had been passionate about this product since she had
a violent attack of cystitis. She now uses it to deworm her plants to eliminate parasites from her plants, her cat, her dog, her chickens…

We also...

Several Nexus editors tested, with surprising results. results: one of us was able to breathe breathing again after only a few days of treatment, after decades of her bronchi had been excreting a fluid that often prevented her from living normally (shortness of breath and almost impossible to speak). Pulmonologists attributed these symptoms to the asthma for which she was being treated;

A year later year later, there has been no relapse. but no more fluid in his lungs in his lungs and sentences prevented by a coughing fit or cut off by shortness of breath; breathing is breathing is full and fluent. To another has been rid of his cravings for sweet headaches and alcohol intolerance. alcohol intolerance. The effects were compelling and intriguing enough to want to find out more. Our reporter Kim-Anh Lim in charge.

* Forbidden health, incurable, that was yesterday yesterday, Voedia, 2022.

> More information

– CDS for ALL: [https://t.me/CDSforALL].
– DMSO for ALL: [https://t.me/DMSO_for_ALL].
– H2O2 Francophonie: [https://t.me/h2o2francophonie].
– CDS pour TOUS TÉMOI-GNAGES : [https://t.me/temoignagescdspourtous].
– ENTRAIDE pour TOUS : [https://t.me/entraidepourtous].
– TESTIMONIOS ANIMA-LIERS: [https://t.me/temoignagesanimaliers].
– L’Antidote Universel Francia.

In your lecture you welcomed the audience with the message “Live without fear” on a giant screen. Why this message? Andreas Kalcker: The whole world has unprecedented media campaign during the media campaign during people’s fear. In my talks, I like to offer solutions. The message I want
is one of empowerment and healing and resilience. It is essential that people look critically, question the official narrative, and seek out sources. We must not allow fear to paralyze us, but act with courage and determination to defend our rights and freedoms. It is in times of crisis that we must unite as a society. We must foster solidarity by welcoming the most vulnerable. Furthermore, it is essential to promote education and dialogue to find effective solutions to the challenges we face. Instead of being victims of the system, we must become agents of change. It is time to wake up, to question the established solutions and to look for new ones.

We must not be content with the reality that is imposed on us, but fight for a reality where human rights are respected, where equality and freedom are guaranteed. My message is clear: we must not allow fear to paralyze us.
We must not allow fear to paralyze us. We must inform, unite and act with determination to build a better world. Together we can make a significant change.

Many people have come to talk about their recovery. They had recovered their bodies and their wandering medical health. How do you receive these testimonies? First of all, I receive them with gratitude, especially because I am swimming against the current. It is these thousands of testimonies of healing that encourage me to continue my research. We have been able to learn from these people, which now allows us to say with certainty that chlorine dioxide is the most important medical discovery of the last hundred years.

Thanks to their books and videos use of CDS and even in its manufacture. Are there no risks in this self-medication? Do you know of any substance that, in seventeen years of self-medication, has not had a single case of death from poisoning? from poisoning? The toxicity of chlorine dioxide is similar to caffeine? What is the situation of CDS in the world? Are there any clinical trials in progress? In Bolivia, we have signed an agreement between the Bolivian army and our foundation in Mexico (www.alkfoundation.com). There are clinical trials, the problem is that they are self-funded, which slows down the process.

“Instead of being victims of the system, we must become agents of change.
It is time to wake up to question the established solutions and look for new ones.

What about studies on the toxicity of chlorine dioxide?
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration [FDA food and drug products agency] has issued a warning about the alleged toxicity of chlorine dioxide, regardless of the between sodium chlorite (the precursor) and chlorine dioxide. chlorite (the precursor) and chlorine dioxide chlorine dioxide itself in the form of gas dissolved in water. State agencies around the world reproduced this warning without checking anything. 


In 2021, Mexican entrepreneur Pedro Luis Martín Bringas made an offer of two million dollars million dollars to whoever could

the toxicity of chlorine dioxide chlorine dioxide at the recommended doses. He has officially contacted the FDA, but to date has received no response.
received no response to date. According to peer-reviewed studies peer-reviewed studies, although large amounts of gas should not.

What about studies on the toxicity of chlorine dioxide?
The FDA (Food and Drug Administration [FDA food and drug products agency] has issued a warning about the alleged toxicity of chlorine dioxide, regardless of the between sodium chlorite (the precursor) and chlorine dioxide. chlorite (the precursor) and chlorine dioxide chlorine dioxide itself in the form of gas dissolved in water. State agencies around the world reproduced this warning without checking anything. 


In 2021, Mexican entrepreneur Pedro Luis Martín Bringas made an offer of two million dollars million dollars to whoever could

the toxicity of chlorine dioxide chlorine dioxide at the recommended doses. He has officially contacted the FDA, but to date has received no response.
received no response to date. According to peer-reviewed studies peer-reviewed studies, although large amounts of gas should not.

“My greatest wish is for people to benefit from chlorine dioxide legally, safely and securely.”

Inhaled, chlorine dioxide, used in the right doses, used in the right doses is harmless orally, intravenously, intravenously, applied to the mucous membranes of the mouth, through the skin through the skin (transdermal) or applied by application. Chlorine dioxide is effective against all bacterial and viral infections.

Tell us about Comusav, this international group of caregivers. In 2020, Comusav (health and life coalition – comusav.com) as an international organization.
international. It brings together thousands of physicians who have applied CDS against Covid-19, thus saving thousands of lives. During this period, I have received many thanks – and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have helped and supported me.
To develop and grow, we need people who can organize, respond and teach.
This involves expenses that are covered by the members, as in any organization. The Comusav site also provides pro legal protection so that its members can express themselves freely on the forum without breaking the law or being denounced, as it is a private organization under Swiss law.

You do not commercialize CDS, how do you finance your research? As far as my personal life is concerned, I am fortunate to have been born into a family in a family-free family. Moreover, my books sell very well, and I am very grateful for that. for that, and the people who have recovered have donated us a building in Guadalajara, Mexico. We were able to create our non-profit foundation, with full transparency in donations from grateful people who fight for a better world.
grateful people fighting for a better world.

Through your institute, you have just instituted a French-speaking online course2 expert in oxidative therapies. What does it consist of? More and more people are interested in CDS and its correct use, including doctors, nurses, therapists and ordinary people. therapists and ordinary people. These are online for them. They provide
comprehensive and easy to understand. They provide extensive information about the molecule, its structure, its function and how it is used in different therapeutic applications.
therapeutic applications. applications. Advances and research in the field of CDS are also explored.

In addition, these courses provide practical tools for safe, ethical and responsible use (proper dosage, necessary precautions, etc.).

precautions, etc.). At the end of these courses, participants obtain a certificate validating their understanding and knowledge of chlorine dioxide.
dioxide. This offers further opportunities as the use of chlorine dioxide continues in various areas of medical research.

What do you hope for the future? The same thing I wished for ten seven years ago when I started: that chlorine dioxide would be available as a pharmaceutical product worldwide, unrestricted by disreputable government agencies with dubious financial interests. I hope that rigorous
that rigorous scientific research will be conducted and will describe comprehensive clinical trials on the efficacy and safety of chlorine dioxide as a treatment.
chlorine dioxide as a treatment. Quality standards and quality and administration standards to ensure its proper use and avoid any undesirable effects.

I would also like to see greater awareness of chlorine dioxide by both professional healthcare professionals and the general public. public. This would allow its mechanism of action to be better understood and put an end to the erroneous misbeliefs surrounding this product.
Ultimately, my greatest hope is that people can benefit from chlorine dioxide legally and safely. legally and safely. That those who

who need it can do so without unwarranted restrictions under the supervision of a healthcare professional. In short, I hope that in the near future chlorine dioxide will be recognized as an effective treatment, backed by scientific evidence. –

> Further reading
– Kalcker Andreas, Bye Bye Bye Covid, published by Narayana, 2022.
– Kalcker Andreas, Incurable Health, it was yesterday, Voedia, 2021.
– Please note that Andreas Kalcker will give a lecture and seminar on electromolecules in Paris on September 13, 14 and 15, 2024.
– Access scientific studies on CDS on our website: Qr Code to come

Interview with Laurent Schwartz

An oncologist at the Assistance publique des Hôpitaux de Paris (AP-HP), Laurent Schwartz has devoted his life to the development of non-toxic cancer treatments. For him, CDS holds great promise.

“Cancer is an electronic disease. Chlorine dioxide is an electron scavenger. “

How did you come to introduce CDS in cancer treatment? Laurent Schwartz: It was the patients who led me to chlorine dioxide. chlorine dioxide. I would not have come to it on my own. To answer your question, we first have to ask ourselves what cancer is. Cancer is seen as a battle between good cells and bad cells. Bad cells. That’s one picture. We learned that cancer was a sugar digestion problem, but we understood where this abnormality came from.
we understood where this fermentation abnormality came from.

We now know that cancer cancerous fermentation comes from an electron, or, in more scientific terms, a reduction in electron conductance. We demonstrated*. So we have moved out of the crazy cell myth and into an explanation of the disease. And what role does CDS play in understanding cancer? Chlorine dioxide is an electron collector. It is an unstable molecule. unstable molecule: chlorine trans- chloride capturing electrons. Chloride will bind to sodium to form salt. Chlorine dioxide can be taken by mouth or by enema. Its mechanism of action is

Its mechanism of action is similar to that of other molecules as one of the oldest molecules in the pharmacopoeia methylene blue. Methylene blue Methylene blue has the advantage of being easier to handle than CDS. Patients often combine CDS and methylene blue. These molecules give positive results in all types of diseases. All that remains is to find the right combination. And the big question now is: when will the cancer be cured, will it be cured?
You sound optimistic…
Yes, I’m extremely optimistic. mystical, because patients report positive responses to these treatments that, in my opinion, are clearly effective treatments. effective treatments. treatments. In chlorine dioxide it’s chemotherapy without the chemotherapy without the side effects. side effects. But more broadly, what is at stake is a complete redescription of the diseases, which, according to our publications, are all linked together
all result from an excess of electrons. I am confident that the stabili- of cancer, but also of other diseases, is possible diseases is possible thanks to combinations of these molecules molecules molecules. Most of the studies are conducted by patients, who are increasingly looking outside institutions. There are people who use chlorine dioxide, there are a large number of them! And when a Telegram channel a Telegram channel about methylene methylene blue, there were 500 ins- in one day! –

> Further reading
– Schwartz Laurent, Les Clés du cancer – A new understanding of the disease, the principles of metabolic treatment, Thierry Souccar Éditions, August 2022.